Whipped Cream for Frosting & Filling Cakes
- 1 Cup Heavy Whipping Cream
- 1 Tablespoon Sugar
- 1 Teaspoon Vanilla
- In the prechilled bowl of a tabletop mixer fitted with a prechilled whisk attachment, whip the cream, sugar and vanilla just until the mixture holds soft peaks and the cream around the outside edge of the bowl still looks more thick than whipped. Use as recipe directs, or cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until read to use. Yields 2 cups whipped cream.
- This recipe can be increased or decreased as desired. When whipped, cream doubles in volume. 3 cups of unwhipped cream makes 6 cups whipped cream, which is enough to generously fill, ice and trim a 9-inch, two layer cake.
- Refrigerate cakes iced with whipped cream immediately after icing. Remove the cake from the refrigerator 30 minutes to 1 hour before serving, depending on how cool the weather is.
- Any cake iced with whipped cream should be served the day it is made because whipped cream absorbs refrigerator odors. If the cake is not served the day it is iced, store the whipped cream in an airtight cake container in the refrigerator.
About Whipping Cream: Two types of cream are readily available to the home baker: ultra-pasteurized and heavy whipping cream.
Ultra-pasteurized cream has been heat-processed to increase its shelf life, allowing it to keep for up to 6 weeks. To reintroduce some of the characteristics lost during processing, additives and stabilizers are added to the cream. Use ultra-pasteurized cream only if heavy whipping cream is not available. It takes longer to whip, tends to weep water, and breaks down faster than heavy cream.
Heavy whipping cream is preferable because it is a more natural product and contains more butterfat than ultra-pasteurized cream. Try to find a brand without preservatives; the only ingredient listed should be cream. Do not use a brand that has vanilla and sugar already added; it will be too sweet.
Whipping cream tips:
– Whip the cream in a bowl that can hold roughly four times the amount of cream you are going to whip, so that the cream has enough room to reach full volume. This means 4 cups of cream can be comfortably whipped in the bowl of a 4 1/2 or 5 quart table-top mixer.
– Chill the bowl and whip attachment for 10 minutes before whipping the cream.
– Shake the cartons of cream before pouring them into the bowl, then add the sugar and vanilla.
– Begin whipping with the mixer on medium speeds so that the cream doesn’t spatter. As soon as it has thickened slightly, increase the speed to high. A 3 cup recipe takes on 2 or 3 minutes to whip, so don’t leave the whipping cream unattended or you may make butter!
– The cream is done whipping when it just holds soft peaks and the cream around the inside edge of the bowl still looks more thick than whipped.
– Be careful not to overwhip cream. The cream continues to stiffen as you handle it. To prevent this from happening, stop the mixer a little before you think the cream is ready and finish shipping by hand with a whisk. This is especially important if you will be adding other flavorings, such as ganache, to the cream. Overwhipped cream will look like cottage cheese and appear dry. If the cream is slightly overwhipped, you can salvage it by very gently folding in a little unwhipped cream to loosen it.
– You may reuse cream that has been whipped by adding it to another batch of unwhipped cream, as long as the amount of whipped cream isn’t greater than the amount of unwhipped cream.
Recipe – Calla Ferre – From The Village Baker’s Wife: The Desserts And Pastries That Made Gayle’s Famous, 1997. – Gayle’s Bakery